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Partnering with Habitat for Humanity:

Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit and ecumenical Christian ministry dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homeless worldwide and to making adequate, affordable shelter.  Globally, this organization has built or repaired more than 600,000 homes and served more than 3 million people worldwide.  In Owensboro alone there have been more than 100 homes built by the local Habitat for Humanity branch. Unique Granite & Marble is pleased to announce they have recently reached out and began a partnership with Habitat to do their part to improve our communities. Rick Thomas, President of Unique Granite and Marble has currently donated granite countertops in two Habitat for Humanity homes this May. The countertops, one pictured below, are a beautiful caramel ornamental and were installed by the Unique Granite team.


Carrie Tolbert, pictured above, recently had the opportunity to visit these homes as well as other local Habitat for Humanity homes with Virginia Braswell, executive director of the Owensboro branch. Carrie states, ”We are very pleased to see how well the countertops look and how much the home owners love them. What Habitat for Humanity is doing in the community is wonderful and I enjoyed finally getting to meet the people behind the operations. Unique Granite & Marble looks forward to doing more work with Habitat for Humanity in the future.”



Unique Granite & Marble has agreed to donate granite countertops and vanities for the next two Habitat homes due to be completed in August. In addition, the commercial team at Unique has planned to get hands on with the next build. “Unique Granite is focused on improving our community and we feel this is just one more way we can do our part,” David Thomas, Vice President and head of the Unique commercial division.

“Habitat for Humanity is just delighted to partner with Unique Granite and Marble for as many homes as they are able to supply the lovely granite countertops…the two homeowners who just received the first two you all so generously donated are really happy to have this great addition to their home.” Virginia Braswell, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity, Owensboro.

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